Do you feel like laughing, coughing, or sneezing have become a challenge since replacing your natural teeth? It can turn out to be a challenge to find a comfortable yet reasonably-priced alternative to conventional dentures.
Are snap-in dentures implants and cost considered as the most affordable solution when you want to replace missing teeth?
What are snap-in dentures?
Snap-in dentures combine the advantages of dental implants and conventional dentures. They are sometimes called implant-supported dentures or overdentures and are a more permanent alternative.
The denture is supported by metal posts implanted in the jawbone and not just by the gums. Bone grows around the implants that stimulate it and prevent loss (a common problem with tooth-replacement). This means saving more money, since you don’t have to make replacements as often.
Overdentures provide the user with 40-50% of their chewing ability (compared to natural teeth). They are reported to last five to ten years.
Are snap-in dentures for you?
Overdentures were designed for those who are missing teeth or are suffering from tooth decay, but they might not be the right choice for everyone.
The jawbone must be fully developed, as there must be enough bone to facilitate the implant. It is recommended for adults and seniors.
Candidates must present good overall oral health. They must also be non-smokers, as cigarettes increase the risk of failure.
If the implant fails it can be redone, however this is not usually recommended. The success rate of 95% applies to first-time implants only. It might be more advisable to choose a different type of denture.
Pros and cons of snap-in dentures
If you are considering this procedure you should be aware of the common problems with dentures reported in patient reviews.
Snap-in dentures do not trigger the gag reflex and will not slip out by themselves, but they do require regular maintenance, nightly removal, and cleaning. They do not cover the roof of the mouth, allowing for more taste sensitivity.
They can prevent bone loss, but they require a surgical procedure. The process may take up to six months.
While snap in denture implants are more cost effective than regular dentures, they can still turn out to be pretty expensive.
- More stable and easier to speak with than conventional dentures
- Won’t slip out while you eat, drink, or sneeze
- Do not trigger the gag reflex
- Stimulate bone growth and prevent loss
- Must be taken out, cleaned, and stored
- Involve a surgical procedure
- The process may take around six months
What does the snap-in-denture procedure involve?
The process can last up to six months. It involves surgical procedures and multiple visits to the dentist. Here is a general overview of what you might expect:
Initial consultation
The dentist takes X-rays of the mouth to determine the state of the bone and the location of the sinuses (air-filled spaces in the skull). Impressions of teeth and gums along with a 3D model of the mouth are then made. A mock-up of the denture is forged.
Treatment plan
It may turn out that some teeth need to be extracted in order to make room for the overdenture. A plan will be made according to individual needs of the patient.
Bone grafting
The patient may require bone grafting if the existing bone cannot accommodate the implants. It can take four to twelve months to fully heal from this procedure.
Dental implant placement
Titanium rods are inserted in the front of the mouth (there tends to be more bone in the front than in the back) while the patient is sedated. Bone will then grow around the implants during a period of up to six months. Temporary dentures can ease the discomfort at this time.
Fitting the snap-in denture
The snap-in denture is modeled after the temporary one and can be magnetically attached to the rods protruding from the gums.
Each patient has their own unique situation. This may influence the general procedure.
How much are snap-in denture implants cost?
The overall cost of the overdenture relies mainly on how many implants are necessary. The dentist will assess the needs of each patient.
The location of the dental office also plays a role. Some patients choose to travel in order to find more economical prices outside of the US. The experience of the person carrying out the procedure and whether it is a surgeon will also influence the price.
Bearing all this in mind the costs of snap-in dentures range from $12,000 to $40,000.
Are snap-in dentures the same as All-on-4?
Snap-in dentures are easy to confuse with the All-on-Four method. These procedures require multiple visits, sometimes to multiple doctors, and months of healing. They require the patient to wear temporary teeth. They are, however, not the same thing.
With All-on-Four the patient does not remove the teeth on a day-to-day basis, as they are attached permanently. A fixed bridge supports the teeth on four titanium rods. The average cost for a full mouth is reported to be ranging from $49,000 to $120,000. This is considerably more than the cost of snap-in dentures.
The All-on Four is a low-maintenance, relatively permanent solution. All-on-Four teeth should be cared for as if they were natural. Snap-in dentures require more attention, but can be more cost-effective.
The All-on-Four method may require more implants, but both solutions involve surgical procedures.
All-on-Four is a procedure that takes one to two years, while snap-in dentures take up to six months to install in the mouth fully. The G4 by Golpa is a method that encompasses the advantages of these techniques. It remains the most affordable and time-efficient option.
Choose the best possible option
Our team along with Dr. Golpa have perfected the All-on-4 and snap-in denture procedures. They extracted the advantages to create the best solution; the G4 by Golpa. It provides the patient with 90% of their chewing ability and eliminates the need for taking the teeth out. You can brush them like natural teeth!
The whole procedure takes place in twenty-four hours in one location. It is performed by doctors specialized in this particular method. By limiting the visit to just one there is no room for hidden fees; prices start at $16,500.
Choose the best possible option and schedule a consultation or chat with one of our consultants.